Marijo McCarthy’s Legal Briefs – Practical Legal Insights for the Time and Resource Constrained Small Business Owner
As the lead counsel of Widett and McCarthy, P.C., I am in the business of helping small business owners thrive in the 21st century marketplace. It’s a challenging road to travel, but with preparation, well-constructed plans and sound advice it is a path that can be navigated successfully.
Sound advice is what my newsletter is all about. Even if you’re not one of my clients, or a small business owner, everybody is entitled to some good, old-fashioned no-nonsense free information, and I’m happy to share it.
That’s what you’ll find here – rock-solid legal insights based on decades of experience working with entrepreneurs to help you with the day-to-day issues, or to get you thinking about the bigger picture, delivered free of confusing legalese.
At the end of the day, if I can share with you some wisdom that will help make your business life a little bit easier, that makes writing this newsletter time well spent.
For your own copy, please click on the “subscribe now” link at the side of the page.
Marijo McCarthy, Esq.
President, Widett and McCarthy, P.C.
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